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New Birds
Blackbirds, Cowbirds, Grackles, and Orioles
Cardinals and Grosbeaks
Chickadees and Titmice
Coots and Moorhens
Ducks, Geese, and Swans
Eggs and Nests
Grouse and Turkey
Gulls and Terns
Hawks and Eagles
Herons and Egrets
Ibises and Spoonbills
Jays and Ravens
Other Families
Oyster Catchers
Sparrows and Juncos
Stilts and Avocets
Thrashers and Mockingbirds
Thrushes and Robins
Tyrant Flycatchers, Pewees, and Phoebes

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CampVann Etsy

New Birds  
Geococcyx californianus - Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus - Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus - Greater Roadrunner
greater roadrunner, bird, ground forager, ominivore, desert botanical gardens, arizona greater roadrunner, bird, ground forager, ominivore, desert botanical gardens, arizona greater roadrunner, bird, ground forager, ominivore, desert botanical gardens, arizona
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos - American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos - American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos - American White Pelican
american white pelican, bird, migratory, piscivore, salton sea state recreation area, california american white pelican, bird, migratory, piscivore, landing series, salton sea state recreation area, california american white pelican, bird, migratory, piscivore, landing series, salton sea state recreation area, california
Falco sparverius - American Kestrel Falco sparverius - American Kestrel Falco sparverius - American Kestrel
american kestrel, carnivore, predator, raptor, bird of prey, usery mountain regional park, arizona american kestrel, carnivore, predator, raptor, bird of prey, usery mountain regional park, arizona american kestrel, carnivore, predator, raptor, bird of prey, usery mountain regional park, arizona
Buteo jamaicensis - Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis - Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis - Red-tailed Hawk
red-tailed hawk, carnivore, raptor, predator, bird, woodlands nature center, land between the lakes, kentucky red-tailed hawk, carnivore, raptor, predator, bird, woodlands nature center, land between the lakes, kentucky red-tailed hawk, carnivore, raptor, predator, bird, woodlands nature center, land between the lakes, kentucky
Megascops asio - Eastern Screech Owl Megascops asio - Eastern Screech Owl Tyto alba - Barn Owl
eastern screech owl, carnivore, predator, bird, woodlands nature center, land between the lakes, kentucky eastern screech owl, carnivore, predator, bird, woodlands nature center, land between the lakes, kentucky barn owl, carnivore, predator, bird, woodlands nature center, land between the lakes, kentucky
Athene cunicularia - Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia - Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia - Burrowing Owl
burrowing owl, carnivore, predator, bird, zanjero park, gilbert, arizona burrowing owl, carnivore, predator, bird, zanjero park, gilbert, arizona burrowing owl, carnivore, predator, bird, zanjero park, gilbert, arizona
Melanerpes formicivorus - Acorn Woodpecker Melanerpes uropygialis - Gila Woodpecker Colaptes chrysoides - Guilded Flicker
acorn woodpecker, bird, insectivore, pinnacles national park, california gila woodpecker, bird, insectivore, desert botanical gardens, arizona guilded flicker, woodpecker, bird, insectivore, desert botanical gardens, arizona
Quiscalus mexicanus - Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus - Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus - Great-tailed Grackle
great-tailed grackle, bird, omnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona great-tailed grackle, bird, omnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona great-tailed grackle, bird, omnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona
Pyrocephalus rubinus - Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus - Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus - Vermilion Flycatcher
vermilion flycatcher, female, bird, insectivore, san pedro riparian preserve, arizona vermilion flycatcher, male, bird, insectivore, san pedro riparian preserve, arizona vermilion flycatcher, male, bird, insectivore, san pedro riparian preserve, arizona
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus - Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus - Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus - Yellow-headed Blackbird
yellow-headed blackbird, female, bird, omnivore, san pedro riparian preserve, arizona yellow-headed blackbird, female, bird, omnivore, san pedro riparian preserve, arizona yellow-headed blackbird, female, bird, omnivore, san pedro riparian preserve, arizona
Tyrannus verticalis - Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis - Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis - Western Kingbird
western kingbird, bird, insectivore, usery mountain regional park, arizona western kingbird, bird, insectivore, usery mountain regional park, arizona western kingbird, bird, insectivore, usery mountain regional park, arizona
Perisoreus canadensis - Gray Jay Perisoreus canadensis - Gray Jay Perisoreus canadensis - Gray Jay
gray jay, song bird, omnivore, hurricane ridge, olympic national park, washington gray jay, song bird, omnivore, hurricane ridge, olympic national park, washington gray jay, song bird, omnivore, hurricane ridge, olympic national park, washington
Larus occidentalis - Western Gull Larus heermanni - Heermann's Gull Larus heermanni - Heermann's Gull
western gull, shore bird, omnivore, carpinteria state beach, california heerman's gull, shore bird, omnivore, carpinteria state beach, california heerman's gull, shore bird, omnivore, carpinteria state beach, california
Haematopus bachmani - Black Oyster Catcher Haematopus bachmani - Black Oyster Catcher Haematopus bachmani - Black Oyster Catcher
black oyster catcher, molluscivore, bird, point lobos state natural reserve, california black oyster catcher, molluscivore, bird, point lobos state natural reserve, california black oyster catcher, molluscivore, bird, point lobos state natural reserve, california
Himantopus mexicanus - Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus - Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus - Black-necked Stilt
black-necked stilt, bird, wading, carnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona black-necked stilt, bird, wading, carnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona black-necked stilt, bird, wading, carnivore, salton sea state recreation area, california
Recurvirostra americana - American Avocet Recurvirostra americana - American Avocet Recurvirostra americana - American Avocet
american avocet, bird, wading, carnivore, flight, salton sea state recreation area, california american avocet, bird, wading, carnivore, salton sea state recreation area, california american avocet, bird, wading, carnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona
Limosa fedoa - Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa - Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa - Marbled Godwit
marbled godwit, shore bird, migratory, wading, carnivore, salton sea state recreation area, california marbled godwit, shore bird, migratory, wading, carnivore, salton sea state recreation area, california marbled godwit, shore bird, migratory, wading, carnivore, flight, salton sea state recreation area, california
Numenius phaeopus - Whimbrel Calidris mauri Calidris mauri
whimbrel, shore bird, migratory, carnivore, pacific ocean, carpinteria state beach, california western sandpiper, shore bird, migratory, wading, carnivore, salton sea state recreation area, california western sandpiper, shore bird, migratory, wading, carnivore, salton sea state recreation area, california
Limnodromus scolopaceus - Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus - Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus - Long-billed Dowitcher
long-billed dowitcher, bird, wading, carnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona long-billed dowitcher, bird, wading, carnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona long-billed dowitcher, bird, wading, carnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona
Tringa semipalmata  - Willet Tringa semipalmata  - Willet Tringa semipalmata  - Willet
willet, shore bird, migratory, carnivore, pacific ocean, carpinteria state beach, california willet, shore bird, migratory, carnivore, pacific ocean, carpinteria state beach, california willet, shore bird, migratory, carnivore, pacific ocean, carpinteria state beach, california

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Coots and Moorhens (Rallidae)
american coot american coot american coot
american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas
american coot
american coot
american coots
american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas
american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas
american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas
american coot american coots coots and whistlers
american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas american coot, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas american coots, whistling ducks, wetland birds, marsh, brazos bend state park texas
common moorhen common moorhen common moorhen
common moorhen, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas common moorhen, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas common moorhen, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas
Common Moorhen Common Moorhen Common Moorhen
common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas
Common Moorhen Common Moorhen Common Moorhen
common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas
Common Moorhen Common Moorhen Common Moorhen
common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas common moorhen, wetland bird, lotus pads, cullinan park, texas
Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Mother and Chicks Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Mother and Chicks Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Chicks
common moorhen mother and chicks, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas common moorhen mother and chicks, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas common moorhen chicks, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas
Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Juvenile Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Juvenile Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Juvenile
common moorhen juvenile, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas common moorhen juvenile, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas common moorhen juvenile, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas
Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Fledgling Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Juvenile Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen Juvenile
common moorhen fledgling, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas common moorhen fledgling, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas common moorhen fledgling, wetland bird, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas

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Ducks, Geese, and Swans (Anatidae)
Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Duck Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Duck Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Duck
bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina
Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead
bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, female, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina
Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Ducks Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Ducks Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Duck Pair
bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina
Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Ducks Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Ducks Bucephala albeola - Bufflehead Ducks
bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina bufflehead, duck, male, omnivore, pea island national wildlife refuge, north carolina
Aythya collaris - Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris - Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris - Ring-necked Duck
ring-necked duck, male, omnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona ring-necked duck, male, omnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona ring-necked duck, male, omnivore, riparian preserve at water ranch, arizona
Melanitta perspicillata - Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata - Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata - Surf Scoter
surf scoter, duck, seaduck, bird, omnivore, kiptopeke state park, eastern shore, virginia surf scoter, duck, seaduck, bird, omnivore, kiptopeke state park, eastern shore, virginia surf scoter, duck, seaduck, bird, omnivore, kiptopeke state park, eastern shore, virginia
Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard (female) Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard (female) Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard (female)
mallard, female, duck, bird, omnivore, midlothian mines park, chesterfield, virginia mallard, female, duck, bird, omnivore, joseph bryan park, richmond, virginia mallard, female, duck, bird, omnivore, joseph bryan park, richmond, virginia
Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard (male) Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard (male) Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard Male
mallard, male, duck, bird, omnivore, midlothian mines park, chesterfield, virginia mallard, male, duck, bird, omnivore, joseph bryan park, richmond, virginia mallard, male, duck, bird, omnivore, midlothian mines park, chesterfield, virginia
Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard (male) Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard Pair Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard Pair
mallard, male, duck, bird, omnivore, joseph bryan park, richmond, virginia mallard pair, duck, bird, omnivore, joseph bryan park, richmond, virginia mallard pair, duck, bird, omnivore, midlothian mines park, chesterfield, virginia
Anas crecca - Green-winged Teal Anas crecca - Green-winged Teal Anas crecca - Green-winged Teal
green-winged teal duck, migrating bird, marsh, riparian preserve at water ranch, gilbert, arizona green-winged teal duck, migrating bird, marsh, riparian preserve at water ranch, gilbert, arizona green-winged teal duck, migrating bird, marsh, riparian preserve at water ranch, gilbert, arizona
blue winged teal pair blue winged teal pair ameican blue winged teal pair
blue winged teal duck pair, migrating bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas blue winged teal duck pair, migrating bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas blue winged teal duck pair, migrating bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas
coots and whistlers coots and whistlers ducks in flight
american coots, whistling ducks, wetland birds, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas american coots, whistling ducks, wetland birds, marsh, brazos bend state park, texas black-bellied whistling ducks, wetland birds, flight, brazos bend state park, texas
Dendrocygna autumnalis - Black-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis - Black-bellied Whistling Ducks Dendrocygna autumnalis - Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
black-bellied whistling duck, wetland birds, herbivore, brazos bend state park, texas black-bellied whistling ducks, wetland birds, herbivore, brazos bend state park, texas black-bellied whistling ducks, wetland birds, herbivore, brazos bend state park, texas
whistling ducks crossing footpath Mergus merganser - Common Merganser Pair Mergus merganser - Common Merganser Female
black-bellied whistling ducks, wetland birds, brazos bend state park texas common merganser pair, duck, oak creek, sedona, arizona common merganser, female, duck, oak creek, sedona, arizona
Mergus merganser - Common Merganser Pair Mergus merganser - Common Merganser Female Mergus merganser - Common Merganser Female
common merganser pair, duck, oak creek, sedona, arizona common merganser, female, duck, oak creek, sedona, arizona common merganser, female, duck, oak creek, sedona, arizona
Mergus merganser - Common Merganser Mergus merganser - Common Merganser Mergus merganser - Common Merganser
common merganser, duck, lower salt river recreation area, tonto national forest, arizona common merganser, duck, lower salt river recreation area, tonto national forest, arizona common merganser, duck, lower salt river recreation area, tonto national forest, arizona
migratory birds
migratory birds
migratory birds
migratory birds, swans, geese, ducks, migration, mattamuskeet refuge migratory birds, swans, geese, ducks, migration, mattamuskeet refuge migratory birds, swans, geese, ducks, migration, mattamuskeet refuge
Branta canadensis - Canadian Geese and Goslings Branta canadensis - Canadian Geese and Goslings Branta canadensis - Canadian Geese and Goslings
canadian geese and goslings, mating pair, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian geese and goslings, mating pair, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian geese and goslings, mating pair, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia
Branta canadensis - Canadian Gosling Branta canadensis - Canadian Gosling Branta canadensis - Canadian Goslings
canadian geese and goslings, mating pair, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian goslings, juvenile geese, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian gosling, juvenile goose, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia
Branta canadensis - Canadian Goslings Branta canadensis - Canadian Goslings Branta canadensis - Canadian Goslings
canadian goslings, juvenile geese, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian goslings, juvenile geese, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian goslings, juvenile geese, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia
Branta canadensis - Canadian Goslings Branta canadensis - Canadian Gosling Branta canadensis - Canadian Gosling
canadian goslings, juvenile geese, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian gosling, juvenile goose, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian gosling, juvenile goose, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia
Branta canadensis - Canadian Gosling Branta canadensis - Canadian Gosling Branta canadensis - Canadian Gosling
canadian gosling, juvenile goose, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian gosling, juvenile goose, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia canadian gosling, juvenile goose, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia
Branta canadensis - Canadian Goose and Goslings
Branta canadensis - Canadian Geese and Goslings  
canadian geese and goslings, mating pair, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia
canadian geese and goslings, mating pair, bird, dutch gap conservation area, virginia
Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnets
Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnets
Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnets
mute swan and cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york mute swan and cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york mute swan and cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york
Cygnus olor - Mute Swan Cygnets Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnet Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnets
mute swan cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york mute swan and cygnet, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york mute swan and cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york
Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnets Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnets Cygnus olor - Mute Swan and Cygnets
mute swan and cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york mute swan and cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york mute swan and cygnets, bird, omnivore, introduced species, connetquot river state park preserve, new york

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Cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae)

Phalacrocorax - Cormorant Phalacrocorax - Cormorant Phalacrocorax - Cormorant
cormorant, pescivore, bird, riparian preserve at water ranch, gilbert, arizona cormorant, pescivore, bird, riparian preserve at water ranch, gilbert, arizona cormorant, pescivore, bird, riparian preserve at water ranch, gilbert, arizona
Phalacrocorax - Cormorant Phalacrocorax - Cormorant Phalacrocorax - Cormorant
cormorant, pescivore, bird, carpinteria state beach, california cormorant, pescivore, bird, carpinteria state beach, california cormorant, pescivore, bird, carpinteria state beach, california

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Anhinga (Anhingidae)  
Anhinga anhinga - Anhinga Anhinga anhinga - Anhinga Anhinga anhinga - Anhinga
anhinga, pescivore, bird, brazos bend state park, texas anhinga, pescivore, bird, brazos bend state park, texas anhinga, pescivore, bird, brazos bend state park, texas

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Grebes (Podicipedidae)  
pie billed grebe pie billed grebe pie billed grebe
pie billed grebe, migrating bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas pie billed grebe, migrating bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas pie billed grebe, migrating bird, marsh, brazos bend state park texas

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William Vann


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