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New Plants
Carnivorous Plants
Desert Wildflowers
Fall Colors
Ferns, Mosses, and Allies
Fruits, Nuts, and Berries
Harmful Plants
Virginia Wildflowers

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EduPic Blog

New Plants  
Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Drosera sp. - Sundew Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant
venus fly trap, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Orange Orange Orange Blossom
orange, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange blossom, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant
Oranges Oranges Orange Trees
oranges, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant oranges, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant

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Carnivorous Plants  
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Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap
venus fly trap, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina venus fly trap, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina venus fly trap, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap
venus fly trap, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina venus fly trap, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina venus fly trap, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Flower Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Flower Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap Flower
venus fly trap flower, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina venus fly trap flower, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina venus fly trap flower, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Dionaea muscipula - Venus Fly Trap
Drosera sp. - Sundew
Drosera sp. - Sundew
venus fly trap flower, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Drosera sp. - Sundew Drosera sp. - Sundew Drosera sp. - Sundew
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Drosera sp. - Sundew Drosera sp. - Sundew Drosera sp. - Sundew
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
sundew, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Flower Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Flower Sarracenia flava - Pitcher Plant Flower
pitcher plant flower, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant flower, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
pitcher plant flower, carnivorous plant, longleaf pine savanna habitat, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina

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Fall Colors  
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fall color leaves fall color leaves fall color leaves
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves fall color leaves fall color leaves
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves fall color leaves fall color leaves
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves
fall color leaves
fall color leaves
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves
fall color leaves
fall color leaves
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves fall color leaves fall color leaves
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons
fall color leaves fall color leaves red maple leaf
fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons fall color leaves, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons red sweetgum leaf, fall color, autumn, deciduous trees, plant, producer, seasons

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Ferns, Mosses, and Allies  
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cinnamon ferns
ferns, spores, plant, producer
cinnamon ferns, spores, plant, producer
ferns, spores, plant, producer
ferns ferns ferns
ferns, spores, plant, producer ferns, spores, plant, producer ferns, spores, plant, producer
Cloak Fern Cloak Fern Cloak Fern
cloak ferns, guadalupe mountains, spores, plant, producer cloak ferns, guadalupe mountains, spores, plant, producer cloak ferns, guadalupe mountains, spores, plant, producer
Creekside Fern
Creekside Fern
creekside ferns, guadalupe mountains, spores, plant, producer
creekside ferns, guadalupe mountains, spores, plant, producer
moss, plant, producer
Moss and Liverwort Moss and Liverwort Moss and Liverwort
moss and liverwort, plant, producer moss and liverwort, plant, producer moss and liverwort, plant, producer
Moss and Liverwort Moss and Liverwort Moss and Liverwort
moss and liverwort, plant, producer moss and liverwort, plant, producer moss and liverwort, plant, producer
Lycopodiella alopecuroides  - Foxtail Clubmoss
Lycopodiella alopecuroides  - Foxtail Clubmoss Lycopodiella alopecuroides  - Foxtail Clubmoss
clubmoss, seedless plant, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
clubmoss, seedless plant, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
clubmoss, seedless plant, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina

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Fruits, Nuts, and Berries  
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Crataegus - Hawthorn Fruit Crataegus - Hawthorn Fruit Crataegus - Hawthorn Fruit
hawthorn, fruit, plant, producer, matthews county, virginia hawthorn, fruit, plant, producer, matthews county, virginia hawthorn, fruit, plant, producer, matthews county, virginia
Red Apple Red Apple Red Apple
red apple, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia red apple, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia apple tree, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia
Red Apple Red Apples Apple Tree
red apple, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia red apples, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia red apples, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia
Apple Tree Apple Tree Apple Tree
apple tree, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia apple tree, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia apple tree, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia
Golden Apple Golden Apple Golden Apple
golden apples, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia golden apples, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia golden apple, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia
Golden Apple Golden Apples Apple Orchard
golden apple, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia golden apples, fruit, produce, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia apple orchard, fruit trees, virginia products, natural resources, nelson county, virginia
Punica granatum - Pomegranate Punica granatum - Pomegranate Punica granatum - Pomegranate
pomegranate, fruit, plant, producer pomegranate, fruit, plant, producer pomegranate, fruit, plant, producer
Castanea - Chestnut Castanea - Chestnut Castanea - Chestnut
chestnut, tree, nut, plant, producer chestnut, tree, nut, plant, producer chestnut, tree, nut, plant, producer
Diospyros virginiana - American Persimmon Diospyros virginiana - American Persimmon Diospyros virginiana - American Persimmon
american persimmon, fruit, plant, tree, producer american persimmon, fruit, plant, tree, producer american persimmon, fruit, plant, tree, producer
Orange Orange Orange
orange, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant
Orange Orange Blossom Orange Blossom
orange, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange blossom, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange blossom, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant
Oranges Oranges Oranges
oranges, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant oranges, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant oranges, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant
Oranges Orange Trees Orange Trees
oranges, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant
Orange Trees Orange Trees Orange Trees
orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant
Orange Trees Orange Trees Orange Trees
orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant orange trees, grove, citrus, fruit, produce, natural resources, plant
Morus rubra - Red Mulberry Morus rubra - Red Mulberry Morus rubra - Red Mulberry
red mulberry, fruit, plant, tree, producer red mulberry, fruit, plant, tree, producer red mulberry, fruit, plant, tree, producer
blackberries blackberries blackberries
blackberries, fruit, plant, producer blackberries, fruit, plant, producer blackberries, fruit, plant, producer
Blueberries Blueberries Blueberries
blueberry, fruit, plant, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina blueberry, fruit, plant, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina blueberry, fruit, plant, producer, green swamp preserve, north carolina
blueberry blueberry blueberry
blueberry, fruit, plant, producer blueberry, fruit, plant, producer blueberry, fruit, plant, producer
berries berries berries
berries, fruit, plant, producer berries, fruit, plant, producer berries, fruit, plant, producer
Passiflora incarnata - Maypop Fruit
Passiflora incarnata - Maypop Fruit
maypop, passionflower vine, fruit, plant, producer*
maypop, passionflower vine, fruit, plant, producer
acorn, nut, tree, plant, producer
Asimina parviflora - Pawpaw Fruit Asimina parviflora - Pawpaw Fruit Asimina parviflora - Pawpaw Fruit
pawpaw, fruit, tree, plant, producer pawpaw, fruit, tree, plant, producer pawpaw, fruit, tree, plant, producer
Osage Orange Osage Orange Osage Orange
osage orange, horse-apple, fruit, tree, plant, producer osage orange, horse-apple, fruit, tree, plant, producer osage orange, horse-apple, fruit, tree, plant, producer
Marah gilensis - Gila Manroot (Wild Cucumber) Marah gilensis - Gila Manroot (Wild Cucumber) Marah gilensis - Gila Manroot (Wild Cucumber)
gila manroot, wild cucumber, fruit, vine, plant, producer, tonto national forest, arizona gila manroot, wild cucumber, fruit, vine, plant, producer, tonto national forest, arizona gila manroot, wild cucumber, fruit, vine, plant, producer, tonto national forest, arizona

*Thank you to Derek Morris for pointing out that I had misidentified the maypop fruit.

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Harmful Plants  
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poison ivy
poison ivy
poison ivy
poison ivy, plant, producer, harmful plants, urushiol
poison ivy, plant, vine, producer, harmful plants, urushiol
poison ivy, plant, producer, harmful plants, urushiol

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pine cone pine cone pine cone
pine cone, strobilus, seeds, conifer, tree, plant, producer pine cone, strobilus, seeds, conifer, tree, plant, producer pine cone, strobilus, seeds, conifer, tree, plant, producer
helicopter seeds
helicopter seeds
wind spread seeds
maple helicopter seeds, wind spread seeds, plant, producer maple helicopter seeds, wind spread seeds, plant, producer wind spread seeds, plant, producer
wind spread seeds
wind spread seeds
wind spread seeds
wind spread seeds, plant, producer wind spread seeds, plant, producer wind spread seeds, plant, producer
wind spread seeds
catail seeds
catail seeds
wind spread seeds, plant, producer
cattail, wind spread seeds, plant, producer
cattail, wind spread seeds, plant, producer
seed bloom seed bloom  
wind spread seeds, plant, producer wind spread seeds, plant, producer  

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Aliigator Juniper Tree Arbutus xalapensis - Texas Madrone Tree Arbutus xalapensis - Texas Madrone Tree
alligator juniper, conifer, tree, guadalupe mountains, plant, producer texas madrone tree, red bark, guadalupe mountains, evergreen, plant, producer texas madrone tree, red bark, guadalupe mountains, evergreen, plant, producer
Alligator Juniper Bark
Arbutus xalapensis - Texas Madrone Tree
Arbutus xalapensis - Texas Madrone Tree
bark, alligator juniper, conifer, tree, guadalupe mountains, plant, producer
texas madrone tree, red bark, guadalupe mountains, evergreen, plant, producer
texas madrone tree, red bark, guadalupe mountains, evergreen, plant, producer
Catalina Pine
Texas Madrone
Texas Madrone
pine tree, coronado national forest, evergreen, plant, producer
texas madrone tree, red bark, guadalupe mountains, evergreen, plant, producer
texas madrone tree, red bark, guadalupe mountains, evergreen, plant, producer
Arctostaphylos sp - Twisted Manzanita Arctostaphylos sp - Twisted Manzanita Arctostaphylos sp - Twisted Manzanita
twisted manzanita, tree, plant, producer, tonto national forest, arizona twisted manzanita, tree, plant, producer, tonto national forest, arizona twisted manzanita, tree, plant, producer, tonto national forest, arizona
Palo Verde Tree Branch Palo Verde Tree Palo Verde Tree
palo verde tree, saguaro national park, deciduous, plant, producer palo verde tree, saguaro national park, deciduous, plant, producer palo verde tree, saguaro national park, deciduous, plant, producer
Bare Tree Bare Tree Bare Tree
bare tree, guadalupe mountains, plant bare tree, coronado national forest, plant bare tree, coronado national forest, plant
Cypress Knees Cypress Knees Cypress Knees
cypress knees, bald cypress, louisiana swamp, tree, plant, producer cypress knees, bald cypress, louisiana swamp, tree, plant, producer cypress knees, bald cypress, louisiana swamp, tree, plant, producer
Cypress Knee
Cypress Knees
Cypress Knee
cypress knees, bald cypress, louisiana swamp, tree, plant, producer
cypress knees, bald cypress, louisiana swamp, tree, plant, producer
cypress knees, bald cypress, louisiana swamp, tree, plant, producer
sassafras Tree with Spanish Moss  
sassafras, deciduous tree, plant, producer tree, spanish moss, brazos bend state park, texas  

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thorn Thorn Thorns
thorn, plant, producer thorn, plant, producer thorns, plant, producer
tree cut by beaver
beaver cut tree, shelter
moss, plant, producer
moss, plant, producer
Burnt Tree
Burnt Tree
Burnt Tree
burnt tree, fire damage
burnt tree, fire damage
burnt tree, fire damage

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William Vann

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